If money weren’t an option and you could do everything you’ve ever wanted to do, but at one cost. You wouldn’t get paid. Would you take it?
Call me crazy, naive, or whatever you want to call me, but I’d say, “Why not?” I’ve always preached about thinking big, dreaming big and following your passion. I know these are idealistic words that Gen Yers, like myself, throw around all the time. But seriously, life is TOO DAMN SHORT to waste your life by settling.
I never want to fall into that pattern of settling just because I’m afraid to make a change. I get it, changes are scary. But, if I’m still unhappy for more than 4-6 months, it is time to make that big change and embark on a new journey.
If you have a dream, go for it and live your life to the fullest. Nobody should ever have to look back at their life and realize, “Gosh, I wish I would have done this, or that?”
All things happen for a reason. Even if one dream or risk doesn’t work out, there’s always next time. That being said, exercise some responsibility when you follow your dreams. Obviously, don’t quit your day job and move to Europe with only $30 to your name. That’s just stupid. Instead spend six months or so, pitching pennies and coming up with a basic plan and then embark on your journey. There’s nothing wrong with waiting a few months or even years to prepare for that next step as long as you eventually go through with it.
So, I encourage everyone to get out there and start following your dreams!