Facebook unveiled it’s new messaging, “not email” platform on Monday. I’m not usually a big fan of all the Facebook changes. But, I can see how this new messaging system will be a nice complement to my existing Facebook personal use. It drastically simplifies the process of communicating with others. The “social inbox” is definitely a plus for personal use. The fact that my “friends” and relatives emails will show up on the main page, and that all other emails will show up in the “Other Folder” is definitely a plus.
That being said, those things that appeal to me on a personal, casual level are going to make it very difficult to transition into a professional business email model. I may be a bit premature, but I don’t see this as a real threat to Gmail or Outlook. There are just too many kinks and potential problems.
A Facebook Email Address
I will start with the very obvious. Each user will be given a Facebook email address. That won’t go over way in the business world. Yes, almost everyone is on Facebook now. But, the reasons for joining are as different as the next. Giving everyone the ability to use a Facebook email address at work is going to erase the line between personal and professional. Not to mention, the corporate stigma that surrounds Facebook in the office.
No Subject and “CC” Lines
Hmm? This is another big problem for business email use. Subject lines are very important. If you get bombarded with work emails like me, you know how important it is to be able to read those subjects. From that subject, I can tell what’s important and needs to be responded to urgently and what isn’t. Without that, I don’t know how a person will be able to prioritize emails.
The Other Folder
This is the last glaring problem I see with Facebook for business use. If you email someone, who isn’t your Facebook friend, it will show up in the Other Folder. That includes if the person is sending from a Facebook email address. That’s a big issue, and means that many messages simply could be overlooked. In addition, it forces people to “friend” their coworkers and bosses. That obviously will make many people unconformable since the lines between personal and professional will be blurred even more.
The Google Wave Comparison
In addition, the new messaging system is eerily similar to Google Wave. We all know how that ended. Google Wave was all the buzz for a few months. Then, everyone just stopped using it because no one had a need for it. I’m not saying that Facebook new messaging system will suffer the same fate. But, I don’t yet see it filling a void. It’s simply just another cool element. That’s all it is for the time being.
These are my initial impressions of Facebook new messaging platform. What are your opinions? Please leave them below in the comment section.